Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Post

Hello everyone!

Have you ever had a health related question and just not been able to find the answer?  Have you listened to your doctor and  said "Yes, I understand" when you did not really?  

Are you a nursing student, instructor, or professional?  Do you find it hard to keep up with all the material covered in class?  Do you need refreshers on topics you have already forgotten?

If so, ask me!

For the lay person - I will help explain a bit of what is going on in the world and hopefully make this less confusing.  I also intend on providing content for those who are just curious!

For the student - I'll be providing tips and tricks for studying, care plans, difficult material, things to watch out for, and other useful information.

For the instructors and professionals - I'm going to be covering the summation of all things I learned in nursing school.  If you need a quick refresher, hopefully I can provide it in layman's terms.  I'm also going to be driving this site using evidence-based practice, so my information might be more current than yours!

I welcome questions on everything!  Ask and I'll do my best to respond with current information and back up where I found it.  Reader feedback and questions are always welcome.  If you like what I put down, let me know.  If you want to use it, please contact me first.  I'm happy to help students and instructors - I just do not want my efforts to run wild on the internet.